While 2010 marks the beginning of a new decade, it also marks a momentous occasion for Hoard's Dairyman. On January 23, 1885, William Dempster Hoard launched the first edition of Hoard's Dairyman. This...
On January 23, 1885, Wisconsin's 16th Governor, William Dempster Hoard, launched the very first edition of Hoard's Dairyman. In Hoard's own words, the masthead read, "Hoard's Dairyman is especially devoted...
For those looking for the latest genetic updates from this January's sire summary, you can download our entire bull list from this blog post. It includes the highest-ranking bulls for the top seven dairy...
I placed this great class of Red and Whites D C B A. I placed this class of Red and White Holstein cows D C B A. In a close top pair, D starts the class and places over C for her advantage in mammary system....
Cow A Cow B Cow C Cow D My placing for this fine class of Brown Swiss is A C D B. I think you should start with the pair of cows that exhibit more dairy quality over the pair of strong...
Abbie Cox grew up in Cato, N.Y., on a first-generation dairy farm and currently attends Cornell University as a member of the class of 2021, majoring in animal science with a minor in education and a focus...
Christy Achen Christy Achen is the 2018 Hoard's Dairyman summer editorial intern. She grew up on a dairy farm in southwest Kansas. Achen graduated from Utah State University with a degree in agricultural...
Elise Regusci grew up on her family's dairy farm in Modesto, Calif. Regusci attends Cal Poly University, majoring in dairy science with a communications minor. On campus, she is the Los Lecheros Dairy...